otherSeason's Greetings/ 2018年もありがとうございましたSeason's greetingsThank you for your strong support.We wish you a very merry UKIUKI holidays and a wonderful new year!UNOBENTO service &n...
otherThe 9th anniversary!/ ウノベントウ9周年を迎える事が出来ましたDear UNOBENTO fans,This September marked the 9th anniversary of UNOBENTO.Thank you so much for your strong support for us.We keep working hard to m...
workshopAll seats are reserved/ 22 Feb. 2018/ 'WAGASHI' workshop 和菓子ワークショップAll seats are reserved! Thank you so much!!UNOBENTO is very happy to announce a special workshop for you!We will have traditional Japanese pastries...
eventSamen eten vol.5 SESTUBUN/ 節分Thank you for your reservations! all seats are booked!Samen eten / vol. 5 SETSUBUN (Celebrate the end of winter and beginning of spring)The pop up ...
otherClose all service from 4 December till 14 January 2018/ 12月4日から2018年1月14日まで冬休みをいただきますThank you for your strong support.UNOBENTO will close all service from 4 December till 14 January 2018.UNOBENTO service will start f...
eventSamen eten/ vol.4 OTSUKIMI (Moon Festival) いっしょにたべようvol.4 お月見All seats are reserved! Thank you so much!The fourth event is ‘OTSUKIMI’ (Moon Festival). OTSUKIMI is an event for praying for a goo...
eventSamen eten/ vol.3 Star Festival いっしょにたべよう/ vol.3 七夕まつりSamen eten / vol. 3 TANABATA (Star Festival)The pop up event 'Samen eten' is a special lunch party celebrating Japanese dishes. We Japane...
eventSamen eten/ vol.2 Tango no Sekku いっしょにたべよう/ vol.2 端午の節句Samen eten / vol. 2 Tango no Sekku(Children's day)The pop up event 'Samen eten' is a special lunch party celebrating Japanese dishes. We ...
eventReport: Samen eten vol.1/ HINA-MATSURIIt's been while after first Samen eten!Here is some photos from the event. hope you feel the atmosphere :-)
eventTemporary suspension of Daily Bento ServiceDear UNOBENTO fans,Due to the succes of UNOBENTO I am offered more and more catering jobs and special events. It has become so busy that I had to m...
eventSamen eten/ vol.1 HINA-MATSURI いっしょにたべよう/ vol.1 ひなまつりSamen eten / vol. 1 HINA-MATSURIThe pop up event 'Samen eten' is a special lunch party celebrating Japanese dishes. We Japanese celebrate...
otherClose all service from 29 November till 27 January 2017/引き続き研究のためお休みをいただきます。Thank you for your strong support.UNOBENTO will close all service from 29 November till 27 January 2017.(without cooking workshop at...